Tuesday, August 26, 2008

MUD RUN 2008

Well myself and a few girlfriends of mine will be participating in the Marine Mud Run Challenge at Fort Jackson in Columbia SC in just a few weeks. Tony and some guys ran the one at Belmont Abbey College a few weeks ago but I was unable to participate due to health reasons (see prior posts). Two of the girls participating with me also ran the Belmont Mud Run and had a blast. I did at least get to go watch! Well in preparation for the Mud Run on Sept 20, 2008 I have been riding a bike every other day and I usually ride around 4 miles each time. Well Sunday 3 of the 4 of us participating went to Crowders Mountain State Park and hiked together. I was told that we would be doing 2 miles - 1 mile there and 1 mile to hike out. Well apparently she read the map wrong and we actually hiked 1.7 miles there and 1.7 miles back! Thanks Carrie! ;) Anyway this was some major hiking! It took all I had to get to the top of that mountain. It was very steep and rocky. I had never even been to Crowders Mountain, let alone hike. It was beautiful when we did reach the peak though! I will post a picture later. I really thought that Monday I would be terribly sore. I was a little sore yesterday but today, when it should be worse, I hardly feel anything at all. The funny thing is a friend of mine at work found out that I was participating in this and said, "YOU are doing THAT?" I said "Yeah, Why?" and they said "well I definitely have to see pictures of this!" I got to thinking though, it should actually be pretty funny. I hope we do get good pictures!
Here is a link to see the Mud Run...www.usmcmudrun.net

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Politics At It's Finest

I have a love/hate relationship when it comes to politics. I love to see what is going on and learn abou the "leaders" of our country and what they stand for. I am not obsessed with this task though and I am the first to say that I do not keep up with politics the way that I probably should. I think that is because politicians don't listen to the average person anyway and let's face it, I'm just a regular woman from a small town in a state that doesn't have enough electoral votes for the things to really matter anyway. Well at least that's how I feel sometimes.

Even though I feel like that I am still responsible and I vote. I vote because people who don't vote really shouldn't complain and I feel like in case the vote actually did come down to one vote (which it never will), that I would regret things if I hadn't voted. And even as I might be somewhat responsible in knowing things that go on, I never ever try to discuss politics with people unless they initiate it first. I tell you this because of the following story and I want you to understand my position on this.

Sunday I went to Pizza Hut with my mother to pick up some "Dunkers" for my grandmother (They are pretty good by the way). While we were waiting on our order a gentleman in his mid to late 50's began speaking to me and my mom. My mom and I exchanged the usual "wow he's talkative look" but we were pleasant and just spoke back when it was appropriate. Toward the end of the conversation, he made a blunt statement about Barack Obama and how he really hoped Obama won the presidency. My mouth fell to the floor! First of all, like stated above, most people don't tell strangers their political beliefs. Second, this was a middle aged white man saying he wanted Obama to win. Let's all face it, that's not his normal group following. After I composed myself, I said "you have to be kidding me" and he stated "no that he really thought things would be better if he won". I said "McCain would be better, at least he has SOME morals". He proceeds to state, "McCain is just like Bush and look where we are at now, McCain does not need to win anything". After looking at my Mom in disbelief I proceeded to say, "McCain is not great, I'll give you that, but who is? McCain and Bush my be from the same political party but they are not exactly the same. When voting for the presidency you are voting for the lesser of two equals. Neither candidate is great and neither one will "Save" our country but when you look at each individually, at least McCain has SOME morals. At least he doesn't kill unborn babies!" At this point my mother's mouth fell open and so did the man that I was speaking with. He said "you ladies have a great day", grabbed his order that had recently been finished and walked out the door.

Now usually I don't show my cards. I will discuss politics and things if it comes up between friends and people but usually family is the only one that I out right discuss this topic with. This year is different. This year more and more people are being outspoken about their beliefs and their likes and dislikes about each candidate. While this blog is not intended to endorse a particular candidate, it could probably come across as such. Like I stated to the man at Pizza Hut, I do not like either candidate. They are both people who should put their faith first when they make decisions, everyone should, but especially since they are both in high prominent places. Both candidates are not fit for the position they are both vying for but that wasn't up to me, or any of us "normal" people. Us "normal" people spend our time looking at both candidates and are faced with the reality that neither one represent the type of person we would choose to be in the white house. WE ARE PICKING BETWEEN THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS! For you that may be one person but for me it's John McCain. I, again, don't agree with all of his positions but when I go to pick between the two, I have to realize that a candidate that can vote to kill an innocent child would do WHATEVER it takes to get their way. Obama is a pro choice supporter and McCain is not. Obama would kill an innocent baby and that is murder.

Whatever your beliefs are, you are entitled to them. Just as I am entitled to mine. I normally don't express my opinions on politics so loosely but felt compelled to do so after Sunday's incident. Whoever you vote for, you have to live with that and that's your decision to make, just make sure you vote! Christians need to speak up for what they believe in!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Weekend Getaway!

We had a blast this past weekend when we got to get away and go camping with some friends of ours up at Chimney Rock. Abbygale loves camping and we got to camp for two days and play in the creek right by our campsite. Our friends, The Maynards, that we went with are a great family to hang around and we love their company. We had a great time all weekend and the kids had a blast!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

All In God's Timing...

Well as many of you know from my last post Tony and I just found out we were having another baby. However it wasn't in his plan for that to come full circle. One week after we found out we were to have another child we found out that we were now in the process of having a miscarriage. Many of you know that this isn't the first time this has happened to us but I think we will get through this one much better than we did the last one. Our relationship is a ton stronger than it was 5 years ago when we lost Christian and that experience gave us insight into how God really does love us and wants the best for us. We know that God gives but he can also taketh away. While my selfish side would like to be mad about that, I can't. I look around at the the "things" that I do have, i.e., a wonderful husband, an awesome daughter and the best family, and I know that I am lucky. I am lucky to have these great things but most importantly I am lucky to have a Heavenly Father who will be with me when no one else knows I've been crying and will be with me when everybody else forgets that I may still be suffering inside. For that I am grateful....and everything else will fall into place.