Wednesday, August 6, 2008

All In God's Timing...

Well as many of you know from my last post Tony and I just found out we were having another baby. However it wasn't in his plan for that to come full circle. One week after we found out we were to have another child we found out that we were now in the process of having a miscarriage. Many of you know that this isn't the first time this has happened to us but I think we will get through this one much better than we did the last one. Our relationship is a ton stronger than it was 5 years ago when we lost Christian and that experience gave us insight into how God really does love us and wants the best for us. We know that God gives but he can also taketh away. While my selfish side would like to be mad about that, I can't. I look around at the the "things" that I do have, i.e., a wonderful husband, an awesome daughter and the best family, and I know that I am lucky. I am lucky to have these great things but most importantly I am lucky to have a Heavenly Father who will be with me when no one else knows I've been crying and will be with me when everybody else forgets that I may still be suffering inside. For that I am grateful....and everything else will fall into place.

1 comment:

Angela Maynard said...

I love you Amanda! Stay strong. Your faith is amazing!!