Friday, October 24, 2008

Growing Up!

Well many of you know that my "baby" turned 4 yesterday. I say "baby" because if you give Abbygale the ammunition and say that in front of her she will tell you that she is not a baby but a big girl. A big girl. Big in terms of size, yes. When compared to other kids her age she is tall. Big in the size of the things that she knows, yes. She is only 4 and cannot only spell her name but write it too. She is very advanced in most aspects of her "book smarts" too in the fact that she can already speak two languages and we are working at home with her on addition and subtraction. All this and my "baby" won't even start kindergarten for two more years!

But before this post turns into a "look what my child can do" list, I say these things with great hesitation. I am 100% completely proud of her, don't get me wrong. I just loathe any new milestone because it does mean that she is getting older. I want her to grow up and be successful but there is a part of me that wants to 'freeze' her now! I hate the thought of her ever leaving me! :) I know most parents feel the same way (I am sure that some parents throw a party when their child leaves but they probably are the exception, at least I hope).

All this from the one that wakes up at 12:18 am on the day of her child's birthday every year just to be the first to sing her Happy Birthday! She is still unaware that I do this now, but I wonder when she goes to college if her and her roommate will appreciate this gesture of love?!

I spent much of this week reflecting on my "baby". Four years ago we were so ecstatic to become parents. I remember the first time I felt her move, the first ultrasound and of course the day she arrived. For weeks we thought she was coming early. For almost half the pregnancy I was on bed rest all but four hours of the day. We prayed she would just make it to full term...she did and even had to be induced at 41 weeks! That is Abbygale's personality though. Even that small she told you how things were. She is very much in charge of her self and very headstrong with what she wants (I have no clue by the way where she gets that!) ;) I think sometimes it's that independence that scares me. It scares me because I know she will be able to take care of herself and one day will no longer need her Mommy. Oh well, until that day comes I will enjoy every minute of my "baby"!


Rachel said...

I can only hope that God blesses us with half of the love and compassion that you guys have as a family. You are an inspiration to me! Love you! ♥R

Sandy said...

Wow, it really blows me away that she's this old already. I remember the first time I saw her in the infant carrier at church--she was so tiny and so beautiful. You are wonderful parents and she is a blessed little girl! Happy Birthday to Abbygale! :)

Amanda King said...

I remember that day very well Sandy! It does seem like it wasn't that long ago. Thank you for the compliment and I will definately let her know that you wished her a Happy Birtday!