Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Your Princess Forever.....

Abbygale used to be tomboy. I say that with just a hint of sarcasm. She has always loved the colors of pink and purple and for heaven's sake her bedroom looks like grape tylenol has been poured out on the walls but she was really never into "girly" items. She wouldn't play dress up, she didn't watch princess movies or even play with princess items. This was the little girl that always played with the Thomas the Tank Engine trains whenever we would go to Toys R Us. She was always the longed haired kid among all the boys. She loves to hunt, ride 4-wheelers and play in the mud, but lately she is changing.

I have seen this change gradual but it is here. She has requested all Princess things lately and even likes to watch the Little Mermaid now. This weekend we went shopping and her awesome Aunt Stephie bought her a new Princess horse. The horse is pink and for the last 4 days has gone everywhere with us.

Yesterday I picked her up from school and she stated, "I want to be a real princess." I proceeded to tell her that she is a real princess to me and her daddy but that did satisfy this 3 year olds desire to have "pretty" things and dress in "pretty" clothes. She told me she needed a dress and a crown with pretty shoes. I laughed and told her to tell her daddy that. We walked in the door and she went running to him and said, "Daddy if you buy me a princess dress, and crown and that stuff...I'll be your princess forever!" :) Too cute! This morning putting her back in the car to go to school he said "my little tomboy is turning into a princess" and I said "that way we can have a son and have one of each"!!! We will see if God fulfills that desire but for now I'm braiding hair and listening to a new Princess Cd with my little girl, who despite what she thinks in her blue jean shorts and t-shirt, really is and always will be our little princess.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Oh my, what a mental picture and what precious memories your blog evokes for me. One of my favorite videos from my kid's childhoods is when Leslie (at about age 3) stood in front of the television wearing her princess gown and tiara while waving her magic wand. She was watching Rogers and Hammerstein's musical version of Cinderella, singing along with every word.

Cherish this season--it will all too quickly pass!

LOVE YOUR BLOG! Yay for capturing these special moments in writing.